The Techlaw Reporter United States Supreme Court Library Project (the USSCT Library Project) is an open source library actively compiling directories, full-text archives and reverse index search of U.S. Supreme Court opinions 1890-2001.
Opinions for the Court Terms 1984-2002 are currently online. The opinions are available as both fully formatted, hot-linked html pages as well as raw plain text files.
Library opinions have been full-text, reverse index and can be retrieved by relevancy weighted keyword search.
Directories of the libraries contents are available in a variety of common web/syndication/database ready formats including: .html, .rss, and .csv.
Select on the links at right to view annual table of contents for each of the available terms (1984-2002). Or, enter a query in the form at top right to retrieve by relevancy weighted full-text search.
Select here to learn about incorporating USSCT Library directory data in your own remote database or website.